Palliative Medicine

A palliative care physician is a specialist medical doctor who provides comfort-based care for patients suffering from advanced disease or a terminal illness, with the aim of improving quality of life, without a curative intent. Palliative care aims to relieve patients of physical, psychologogical and emotional symptoms of the dying process and incorporates a multi-disclipinary approach that includes cultural, spiritual and social support for patients, their families and care-givers.
Minimum Time to Completion: 7 years from graduation


Eligibility Requirements

Most commonly trainees enter Advanced Training in Palliative Care, following completion of Basic Physicians Training (through RACP).

Although, you can also apply if you hold a Fellowship from the respective college of the following disciplines: Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Rural and Remote Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Radiology, General Practice.

Applicants are also required to hold current medical registration and have been appointed to an appropriate Advanced Training position.

Application Process

Applicants must first apply for and be accepted for an Advanced Training Position.

Adult Medicine Trainees undergo 36 months of certified training time comprising:

  • 24 months of core training comprising 6 months of inpatient unit/hospice, 6 months of community setting, 6 months of teaching hospital/consultation, 6 months of cancer care setting
  • 12 months of non-core training comprising 6 months of palliative medicine variable or related specialty, 6 months of elective training

They will also complete:

  • 1 x Advanced Training Research Project
  • 1 x Case Study
  • RACP Online Learning Resource: Pain Management module
  • Communication Skills Workshop (recommended)
  • Additional workplace based assessments (i.e. case discussions, mini-clinical evaluation exercises etc.)


Paediatrics and Child Health Trainees undergo 36 months of certified training time comprising:

  • 24 months core training
  • 6 months in relevant specialty training
  • 6 months in non-core training

They will also complete:

  • 1 x Advanced Training Research Project
  • 1 x Case Study
  • Developmental and Psychosocial Training
  • RACP Online Learning Resource: Pain Management module
  • Communication Skills Workshop (recommended)


Teaching and learning

  • 1 x Learning Needs Analysis per 6-month rotation
  • 1 x Professional Qualities Reflection per 6-month rotation (recommended)


  • 3 x Case-based Discussions per 6-month rotation
  • 3 x Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercises per 6-month rotation
  • 1 x Supervisor’s Reports per 6-month rotation (full-time and part-time trainees)
Annual Fee:

AUD $3,690.00 (reduced fee of 50% for trainees in research)

Exam Fee:

Written examinations: AUD $2,031.00
Basic Training Clinical Examination: AUD $3,039.00
Faculty Clinical Examinations: AUD $3,039.00

Admission to Fellowship Fee

AUD $1,344.00

  • Research relevant to palliative medicine or related fields
  • PhD
  • Fellowship in palliative medicine
  • Attendance at palliative care conferences

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

3 years FTE

General Progression

Note that this represents one of the quickest routes to specialty training, and may not reflect additional HMO or unaccredited years of training.
Year 1
Year 2
BPT1 (or other appropriate training pathway)
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Commence Palliative Care Advanced Training
Part Time Option: Yes
Last Updated: January 30, 2023
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.

Palliative Medicine

A palliative care physician is a specialist medical doctor who provides comfort-based care for patients suffering from advanced disease or a terminal illness, with the aim of improving quality of life, without a curative intent. Palliative care aims to relieve patients of physical, psychologogical and emotional symptoms of the dying process and incorporates a multi-disclipinary approach that includes cultural, spiritual and social support for patients, their families and care-givers.
Minimum Time to Completion: 7 years from graduation


How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements

Most commonly trainees enter Advanced Training in Palliative Care, following completion of Basic Physicians Training (through RACP).

Although, you can also apply if you hold a Fellowship from the respective college of the following disciplines: Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Rural and Remote Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Radiology, General Practice.

Applicants are also required to hold current medical registration and have been appointed to an appropriate Advanced Training position.

Application Process

Applicants must first apply for and be accepted for an Advanced Training Position.

Program Structure

Adult Medicine Trainees undergo 36 months of certified training time comprising:

  • 24 months of core training comprising 6 months of inpatient unit/hospice, 6 months of community setting, 6 months of teaching hospital/consultation, 6 months of cancer care setting
  • 12 months of non-core training comprising 6 months of palliative medicine variable or related specialty, 6 months of elective training

They will also complete:

  • 1 x Advanced Training Research Project
  • 1 x Case Study
  • RACP Online Learning Resource: Pain Management module
  • Communication Skills Workshop (recommended)
  • Additional workplace based assessments (i.e. case discussions, mini-clinical evaluation exercises etc.)


Paediatrics and Child Health Trainees undergo 36 months of certified training time comprising:

  • 24 months core training
  • 6 months in relevant specialty training
  • 6 months in non-core training

They will also complete:

  • 1 x Advanced Training Research Project
  • 1 x Case Study
  • Developmental and Psychosocial Training
  • RACP Online Learning Resource: Pain Management module
  • Communication Skills Workshop (recommended)


Teaching and learning

  • 1 x Learning Needs Analysis per 6-month rotation
  • 1 x Professional Qualities Reflection per 6-month rotation (recommended)


  • 3 x Case-based Discussions per 6-month rotation
  • 3 x Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercises per 6-month rotation
  • 1 x Supervisor’s Reports per 6-month rotation (full-time and part-time trainees)


Annual Fee:

AUD $3,690.00 (reduced fee of 50% for trainees in research)

Exam Fee:

Written examinations: AUD $2,031.00
Basic Training Clinical Examination: AUD $3,039.00
Faculty Clinical Examinations: AUD $3,039.00

Admission to Fellowship Fee

AUD $1,344.00

Useful Resources / Courses / Conferences

  • Research relevant to palliative medicine or related fields
  • PhD
  • Fellowship in palliative medicine
  • Attendance at palliative care conferences

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

3 years FTE

General Progression

Year 1
Year 2
BPT1 (or other appropriate training pathway)
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Commence Palliative Care Advanced Training
Part Time Option: Yes
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.