Pain Medicine

A pain medicine specialist utilises a multidisciplinary approach to address the psychological, behavioural and biological components of pain, with the goal of re-establishing functional capacity and quality of life. Pain medicine specialists all have primary speciality qualifications in other areas and are involved in a diverse range of clinical disciplines such as Anaesthetics, Psychiatry and General Practice.
Minimum Time to Completion: 7 years. At a minimum the initial 22 weeks of the core training stage must be undertaken continuously.


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must have completed or be training towards a primary specialisation, from a list of approved of qualifications.

They must be a fellow or a trainee (completed at least 3 FTE years) of one of the following speciality programs: ANZCA, RACS, AFRM (RACP), RACP, RANZCP, RACGP, ACRRM, CICM, RANZOG, ACEM

The FPM training program comprises a minimum of two years (104 weeks) full-time equivalent of approved clinical experience directly related to pain medicine.  There are two stages of the FPM training program; the core training stage and the practice development stage 

The core training stage comprises a minimum of one year (52 weeks) of approved clinical experience in a level one accredited training unit, including normal leave. The initial 6 months of the training must be continuous.

The practice development stage comprises a minimum of one year (52 weeks, including normal leave) of supervised experience directly related to pain medicine. 

Trainees are eligible to commence the practice development stage only after completing the core training stage review and approval of their PDS proposal. 

The PDS can be completed in: 

  • An FPM accredited training unit. 
  • Multidisciplinary teams with integrated processes and practice within a sociopsychobiomedical model.
  • The supervised clinical experience pathway of the Procedures Endorsement Program. 
  • Subspecialty or subspecialties related to pain medicine, but not normally within the trainee’s primary speciality. 
  • Research project (includes 0.5 FTE clinical practice).
Annual Fee:

AUD $2,815.00

Exam Fee:

Fellowship examination fee: AUD $4,775.00

Long case examination fee: AUD $1,590.00

Trainee application fee:

AUD $2,910.00

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

2 years FTE

General Progression

Note that this represents one of the quickest routes to specialty training, and may not reflect additional HMO or unaccredited years of training.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Specialty Training
Year 4
Specialty Training
Year 5
Commence Pain Medicine training (Qualifed specialist OR completed 3 years of an approved primary speciality)
Part Time Option: Yes
Last Updated: December 4, 2024
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.

Pain Medicine

A pain medicine specialist utilises a multidisciplinary approach to address the psychological, behavioural and biological components of pain, with the goal of re-establishing functional capacity and quality of life. Pain medicine specialists all have primary speciality qualifications in other areas and are involved in a diverse range of clinical disciplines such as Anaesthetics, Psychiatry and General Practice.
Minimum Time to Completion: 7 years. At a minimum the initial 22 weeks of the core training stage must be undertaken continuously.


How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must have completed or be training towards a primary specialisation, from a list of approved of qualifications.

They must be a fellow or a trainee (completed at least 3 FTE years) of one of the following speciality programs: ANZCA, RACS, AFRM (RACP), RACP, RANZCP, RACGP, ACRRM, CICM, RANZOG, ACEM

Program Structure

The FPM training program comprises a minimum of two years (104 weeks) full-time equivalent of approved clinical experience directly related to pain medicine.  There are two stages of the FPM training program; the core training stage and the practice development stage 

The core training stage comprises a minimum of one year (52 weeks) of approved clinical experience in a level one accredited training unit, including normal leave. The initial 6 months of the training must be continuous.

The practice development stage comprises a minimum of one year (52 weeks, including normal leave) of supervised experience directly related to pain medicine. 

Trainees are eligible to commence the practice development stage only after completing the core training stage review and approval of their PDS proposal. 

The PDS can be completed in: 

  • An FPM accredited training unit. 
  • Multidisciplinary teams with integrated processes and practice within a sociopsychobiomedical model.
  • The supervised clinical experience pathway of the Procedures Endorsement Program. 
  • Subspecialty or subspecialties related to pain medicine, but not normally within the trainee’s primary speciality. 
  • Research project (includes 0.5 FTE clinical practice).


Annual Fee:

AUD $2,815.00

Exam Fee:

Fellowship examination fee: AUD $4,775.00

Long case examination fee: AUD $1,590.00

Trainee application fee:

AUD $2,910.00

Useful Resources / Courses / Conferences

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

2 years FTE

General Progression

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Specialty Training
Year 4
Specialty Training
Year 5
Commence Pain Medicine training (Qualifed specialist OR completed 3 years of an approved primary speciality)
Part Time Option: Yes
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.