Medical Administration

A Medical Administrator focusses on management of a health system and its patients by utilising the medical and clinical knowledge, skill, and judgement of a registeredmedical practitioner. This may include administering or managing a hospital or other health service, or developing health operational policy, or planning or purchasing health services.
Minimum Time to Completion: 4 years from graduation


Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply for specialist training and Fellowship of the RACMA, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold general and/or specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia or Medical Council of New Zealand
  • Have no suspension, condition, restriction or undertaking imposed on general and/or specialist registrations that limits having unconditional medical registration in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand as applicable (unless otherwise specifically approved by the College)
  • Have a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent clinical experience involving direct patient care
  • Be in a RACMA Accredited Training Post or be in a Training Post that has been granted provisional accreditation

Application Process

For an application for entry into the Fellowship Training Program to be considered by RACMA:

  • the application must be submitted on the prescribed form
  • the application must be complete and include all prescribed supporting information
  • the prescribed application fee must have been received
  • the application must be received by the published application closing dates

Applying to RACMA

The RACMA curriculum framework comprises of 8 domains of professional practice, these are:

  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Ethics and Professionalism
  • Health Advocacy and Cultural Safety
  • Learning, Teaching and Informed Decision Making
  • Medical and Health System Expertise
  • Medical Leadership
  • Medical Management

The Graduate Outcomes defined under each of the 8 domains are expanded into Key Competencies
and Learning Outcomes.

  • Key Competencies are broad statements that define what a
    Candidate is expected to be able to do by the end of the training
    program. Each of the broad Key Competencies are expanded further
    as detailed Learning Outcomes.
  • Learning Outcomes describe in observable and measurable terms the
    expected knowledge, skills and professional abilities Candidates are
    expected to achieve by the end of the Fellowship Training Program.


Annual Fee:

Annual fee: AUD $1,320.00 – Candidate

Exam Fee:

Oral Examination: AUD $3,750.00

Application for candidacy:

AUD $1,705.94

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

3 years FTE

General Progression

Note that this represents one of the quickest routes to specialty training, and may not reflect additional HMO or unaccredited years of training.
Year 1
Year 2
General / Medical / Surgical / Critical care
Year 3
General / Medical / Surgical / Critical care
Year 4
Commence Advanced Training in Medical Administration
Part Time Option: Yes
Last Updated: December 4, 2024
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.

Medical Administration

A Medical Administrator focusses on management of a health system and its patients by utilising the medical and clinical knowledge, skill, and judgement of a registeredmedical practitioner. This may include administering or managing a hospital or other health service, or developing health operational policy, or planning or purchasing health services.
Minimum Time to Completion: 4 years from graduation


How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply for specialist training and Fellowship of the RACMA, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold general and/or specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia or Medical Council of New Zealand
  • Have no suspension, condition, restriction or undertaking imposed on general and/or specialist registrations that limits having unconditional medical registration in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand as applicable (unless otherwise specifically approved by the College)
  • Have a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent clinical experience involving direct patient care
  • Be in a RACMA Accredited Training Post or be in a Training Post that has been granted provisional accreditation

Application Process

For an application for entry into the Fellowship Training Program to be considered by RACMA:

  • the application must be submitted on the prescribed form
  • the application must be complete and include all prescribed supporting information
  • the prescribed application fee must have been received
  • the application must be received by the published application closing dates

Applying to RACMA

Program Structure

The RACMA curriculum framework comprises of 8 domains of professional practice, these are:

  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Ethics and Professionalism
  • Health Advocacy and Cultural Safety
  • Learning, Teaching and Informed Decision Making
  • Medical and Health System Expertise
  • Medical Leadership
  • Medical Management

The Graduate Outcomes defined under each of the 8 domains are expanded into Key Competencies
and Learning Outcomes.

  • Key Competencies are broad statements that define what a
    Candidate is expected to be able to do by the end of the training
    program. Each of the broad Key Competencies are expanded further
    as detailed Learning Outcomes.
  • Learning Outcomes describe in observable and measurable terms the
    expected knowledge, skills and professional abilities Candidates are
    expected to achieve by the end of the Fellowship Training Program.



Annual Fee:

Annual fee: AUD $1,320.00 – Candidate

Exam Fee:

Oral Examination: AUD $3,750.00

Application for candidacy:

AUD $1,705.94

Useful Resources / Courses / Conferences

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

3 years FTE

General Progression

Year 1
Year 2
General / Medical / Surgical / Critical care
Year 3
General / Medical / Surgical / Critical care
Year 4
Commence Advanced Training in Medical Administration
Part Time Option: Yes
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.