Forensic Pathology

Forensic pathology is the subspecialty of pathology that focuses on medico-legal investigations of sudden or unexpected death. Forensic pathologists have a critical and pivotal role in deathinvestigation, examining the body of the deceased to define the cause of death, factors contributing to death and to assist with the reconstruction of the circumstances in which the death occurred.
Minimum Time to Completion: 7 years


Eligibility Requirements

Prospective trainees must have:

  • 2 years of clinical hospital training
  • Be accepted into a training spot at an accredited hospital, then apply for registration with the college

Please note there are multiple pathways towards forensic pathology fellowship.

Application Process

There are three pathways to forensic pathology practice:

  • Anatomical pathology I followed by forensic pathology II (API-FP II), which leads to Fellowship in Forensic Pathology. I.e. Acceptance into anatomical pathology training followed by a transition into forensic pathology training.
  • Forensic pathology I followed by forensic pathology II (FPI-FPII) which leads to Fellowship in Forensic Pathology. I.e. direct acceptance into forensic pathology training.
  • Fellowship in anatomical pathology or general pathology, followed by post-fellowship training which leads to a Diploma in Forensic Pathology.

Acceptance into advanced training follows being accepted into a training spot at an accredited hospital, then receiving approval with the college. Please see ‘General Pathology’ for entrance into training criteria.

The program structure is dependent on which pathway the trainee is under, but generally includes training time in accredited departments of anatomical pathology and forensic pathology.

Training should also include non-coronial autopsies (as available), a wide range of biopsy examinations and reporting and broad laboratory management.

Post-Fellowship Diploma in Forensic Pathology (Dip For Path)

Requires at least twenty-four months full-time forensic pathology training in an accredited facility (may be shortened to 18 months for Fellows with extensive prior documented autopsy experience).

Further information can be found here.

Annual Fee:


Exam Fee:

Part I examination: $3120.00

Part II examination: $3120.00

Anatomical pathology: $1700.00



Post Fellowship Diploma of Forensic Pathology


Autopsy Certificate


Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

5 years

General Progression

Note that this represents one of the quickest routes to specialty training, and may not reflect additional HMO or unaccredited years of training.
Part Time Option: Yes
Last Updated: March 1, 2023
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.

Forensic Pathology

Forensic pathology is the subspecialty of pathology that focuses on medico-legal investigations of sudden or unexpected death. Forensic pathologists have a critical and pivotal role in deathinvestigation, examining the body of the deceased to define the cause of death, factors contributing to death and to assist with the reconstruction of the circumstances in which the death occurred.
Minimum Time to Completion: 7 years


How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements

Prospective trainees must have:

  • 2 years of clinical hospital training
  • Be accepted into a training spot at an accredited hospital, then apply for registration with the college

Please note there are multiple pathways towards forensic pathology fellowship.

Application Process

There are three pathways to forensic pathology practice:

  • Anatomical pathology I followed by forensic pathology II (API-FP II), which leads to Fellowship in Forensic Pathology. I.e. Acceptance into anatomical pathology training followed by a transition into forensic pathology training.
  • Forensic pathology I followed by forensic pathology II (FPI-FPII) which leads to Fellowship in Forensic Pathology. I.e. direct acceptance into forensic pathology training.
  • Fellowship in anatomical pathology or general pathology, followed by post-fellowship training which leads to a Diploma in Forensic Pathology.

Acceptance into advanced training follows being accepted into a training spot at an accredited hospital, then receiving approval with the college. Please see ‘General Pathology’ for entrance into training criteria.

Program Structure

The program structure is dependent on which pathway the trainee is under, but generally includes training time in accredited departments of anatomical pathology and forensic pathology.

Training should also include non-coronial autopsies (as available), a wide range of biopsy examinations and reporting and broad laboratory management.

Post-Fellowship Diploma in Forensic Pathology (Dip For Path)

Requires at least twenty-four months full-time forensic pathology training in an accredited facility (may be shortened to 18 months for Fellows with extensive prior documented autopsy experience).

Further information can be found here.


Annual Fee:


Exam Fee:

Part I examination: $3120.00

Part II examination: $3120.00

Anatomical pathology: $1700.00



Post Fellowship Diploma of Forensic Pathology


Autopsy Certificate


Useful Resources / Courses / Conferences

Key Information

PGY Intake Year (earliest)


Training Duration (minimum)

5 years

General Progression

Part Time Option: Yes
The information found in this portal has been painstakingly collated by JMOs for JMOs, and is intended as a career progression guide for every aspiring JMO. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information presented on this website, but recent changes made by Specialist Medical Colleges may not be reflected in real time; please consult with the respective Specialist Medical College websites for the latest information. PMCV and JMO Victoria accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Please feel free to contact our team with suggestions or comments via the feedback form.